Jumat, 29 Desember 2017

When Property Worth

Treasure, the throne, the woman is a picture that is very relevant in life that we live every day. even he could bring the ugliness as well as goodness in the sidelines of our lives, it's just that when we are able to process and use it well then he will be the Saviour, and vice versa when we use it with the better it will dragging us in the pit of disgrace.

When Property Worth

When Is The Money Worth It? When You Treat It Correctly

Sometimes there are still many people who do not know with good value for money. Just meet the necessities of life. in his mind for a moment, maybe he's not asking, when is the Money Worth it?

I feel, as Muslims that you already understand the concept of living with treasures. That we should not only collect the treasure as if a treasure would save us or make us immortal nan jaya. People like this his work just pile up possessions, as if the life of the world hereafter could be saved by a property in his possession.

In these conditions, it is not worth the money at all. Then what kind of conditions to make money be worth?

When Treasures Are Worth Money

_ First, the money would be worth if the money becomes our servant. This means that the existence of money could help us to get our desires of the world or the hereafter. The money will be worth your while to use to perform the pilgrimage. the money will be worth your while menginfakkan the money well and true.

The money will be worth your while to use to give a living child wife (for a husband). The money will also be worth your while to use to fight in the way of Allah (Jihad Fiisabilillah). So When Is The Money Worth It? Depending on how you take advantage of and get on the mother in spending it.

_ Second, the money would be worth if the money is circulating properly. Your money will only be of value if used. If you just pile up Your money, then money is not much different with your used paper. Make your money is useful for your own and other people's benefit.

If you give it to someone else, then that benefit from double the money, that you and the person who receives it. To keep in mind is that not mean you must circulate wasteful with money or you have, but you have to make the money you have become useful, blessings and good.

This is the mindset of the rich. Money is not the goal of his life, but as a means to achieve the purpose of his life. So actually, at this time You are searching for is not money, but are looking for the benefits behind the money.

If this conviction we already have, we will also be calm, because God Almighty could have direct benefit to us is not through money. Our goal as Muslims is to grab ridla God, either through money or not and it could through other than we have.

for our money is not everything, though with everything requires money. so note that need is make our money and not to those of us who in the 1930s-by material possessions we have, all just temporary and will deposit on the ask any responsibility what we earn and we spend, as small or as big as of any kind. so secoret the phrase can we convey may be beneficial and give a little overview, so that we get better and better. Greetings happy companions all.

Source : Annisa el_qurrota' And Various Sources

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