Growing Old Age this beautiful Earth, then what will happen when the more tread kerentaan her. like a human being when the age of aging have started then it will happen is, sickly, body condition was less fit and even could have been menhendaki if God then he will leave us.
Hence what we already do this for good, bad, useful or not for a fellow human being then surely renungkanlah the Earth was already Elderly.
1- لايستطيع السفر للحج لأن تكلفة الحج مرتفعه .. لكن يستطيع السفر رغبةً في تغيير الجو !
*ألا إن سلعة الله غالية*
1. not able to go on Hajj or ' umrah because the cost is great, but was able to go on tour replacing atmosphere,
* Isn't it God's costly trade *
2- لايستطيع شراء الأضحية لغلاء السعر لكن يستطيع شراء آيفون لمواكبة الموضة.
*ألا إن سلعة اللَّـه غالية*
2. Not able to buy animal sacrifices because it costs expensive, but yg was able to buy a smart phone that just up date model.
* Isn't it God's costly trade *
3- يستطيع قراءة محادثات تصل إلى ١٠٠ محادثه في اليوم ..
ولا يستطيع قراءة ١٠ آيات من القرآن بحجة ليس لديه وقت لقراءة القرآن
*ألا إن سلعة الله غالية*
3. Able to read chatingan up to a hundred conversations every day, but is not able to read the Koran verse 10 on the pretext that no yg time enough to read.
* Isn't it God's costly trade *
قليل من سيرسلها لأنه يشعر بالحرج .
*تخيل ان الله يراك وانت تنشرها لاجله*.
4. Little one wants to pass it or to share because it feels the weight of ...
* Angankan in benakmu that God always see you.. and you shall spread it because his. *
اذا اعجبتك الفكرة .. فانشرها .
وإذا لم تعجبك .. فمر كأنك لم ترى شيئا.
*يارب من يرسلها ترزقه من حيث لايحتسب*
5. If you are compelled because this paper is then spread ... But if not then deem thou wilt never see then leave alone.
So little exposure or review that we can pass on, hopefully with a little squiggle hatrack river above the evocative heart we can get back to doing and being a useful man and better yet, it is when we are not losers using this time remaining with the positive and beneficial. life will become more meaningful and calm with worship and do good-goodness. and a lot of confusion out there with an abundance of material at a specific time to God not give guidance to him until the roads are not good any time they take, hopefully we all keep away from danger and mara always bless God SWT.
Source: Annisa el_Qurrota ' and various sources
Hence what we already do this for good, bad, useful or not for a fellow human being then surely renungkanlah the Earth was already Elderly.
1- لايستطيع السفر للحج لأن تكلفة الحج مرتفعه .. لكن يستطيع السفر رغبةً في تغيير الجو !
*ألا إن سلعة الله غالية*
1. not able to go on Hajj or ' umrah because the cost is great, but was able to go on tour replacing atmosphere,
* Isn't it God's costly trade *
2- لايستطيع شراء الأضحية لغلاء السعر لكن يستطيع شراء آيفون لمواكبة الموضة.
*ألا إن سلعة اللَّـه غالية*
2. Not able to buy animal sacrifices because it costs expensive, but yg was able to buy a smart phone that just up date model.
* Isn't it God's costly trade *
3- يستطيع قراءة محادثات تصل إلى ١٠٠ محادثه في اليوم ..
ولا يستطيع قراءة ١٠ آيات من القرآن بحجة ليس لديه وقت لقراءة القرآن
*ألا إن سلعة الله غالية*
3. Able to read chatingan up to a hundred conversations every day, but is not able to read the Koran verse 10 on the pretext that no yg time enough to read.
* Isn't it God's costly trade *
قليل من سيرسلها لأنه يشعر بالحرج .
*تخيل ان الله يراك وانت تنشرها لاجله*.
4. Little one wants to pass it or to share because it feels the weight of ...
* Angankan in benakmu that God always see you.. and you shall spread it because his. *
اذا اعجبتك الفكرة .. فانشرها .
وإذا لم تعجبك .. فمر كأنك لم ترى شيئا.
*يارب من يرسلها ترزقه من حيث لايحتسب*
5. If you are compelled because this paper is then spread ... But if not then deem thou wilt never see then leave alone.
So little exposure or review that we can pass on, hopefully with a little squiggle hatrack river above the evocative heart we can get back to doing and being a useful man and better yet, it is when we are not losers using this time remaining with the positive and beneficial. life will become more meaningful and calm with worship and do good-goodness. and a lot of confusion out there with an abundance of material at a specific time to God not give guidance to him until the roads are not good any time they take, hopefully we all keep away from danger and mara always bless God SWT.
Source: Annisa el_Qurrota ' and various sources
Muslims End Time