Rumaysa Bint Milhan
Hadith of Jabir bin Abdullah a. a: the Prophet said, I presented to the heaven, I saw the wife of Abu Talhah. Then I heard the impact goes, it appears he is Bilal.
(HR Muslim: 4495)
Rumaysa Bint Milhan is a woman Muslim character is excellent, have high intellectual as well as an independent and berprinsip. At the same time, he is also a devout and pious wife and mother who successfully educated become true Islamist. She is the mother of Prophet's Companion, Anas bin Malik. Here are some summary of tales about heroes this is located at:
Story 1: an obedient slave
He converted to Islam after the first Treaty of Aqabah. When he converted to Islam, her husband, Malik bin Nadhr there at home. After returning from travelling, her husband did not love the teachings of the new anutinya. Her husband even berated him as teaching them, Anas b. Malik (who eventually became the narrator of hadith) his new religion. But integrity Rumaysa ' against Islam does not change his belief, until finally her husband dies during travel and die as a non-Muslim.
Story 2: a woman who has the best mahar
Interval not long after the death of her husband, Rumaysa ' dipinang by Zayd ibn Sahl, known as Abu Talhah. Abu Talhah who was then not yet converted to Islam, so sure that Rumaysa ' will not reject it because Abu Talhah is a rich and handsome man. Abu Talhah came to his home and expressed intention to applying Rumaysa '.
"I would not have married with you as long as you do not acknowledge that God is your Lord and Muhammad is his Messenger".
"What prevents you from married to ku Rumaysa '? Gold and silver? I can provide whatever you want ".
"I swear to thy Abu Talhah, I swear for the sake of my Lord and his Messenger, if you accept Islam as your faith, I don't need gold and silver. Sufficient is Islammu as mahar ku ".
"Do you not know Abu Talhah that God you worship besides Allah is made of clay? Do you not feel diperbodoh2kan? If you are willing to let go of senseless acts like this, and converted to Islam, I'll marry with you, without any gold and silver ".
Abu Talhah returned back and contemplate what is being said Rumaysa '. Finally Abu Talhah converted to Islam and married Rumaysa '. Abu Talhah has also become one of the strong Muslim friend who fight as well as the Messenger.
Story 3: a wise wife
The result of their marriage was blessed with children named Abu Umair. during Abu Talhah travel far, Abu Umair has died. Rumaysa ' has been managing his body together with the villagers. Rumaysa ' told to the people that do the descriptions it was told to her husband, except from himself. After Abu Talhah returned, in a State of tired, Rumaysa ' treat her well, serves food and treats her husband packed. Abu Talhah ask Rumaysa ',
"Why I don't see Abu Umair?".
"Our son is in peace now".
After eating, ' treat her husband Rumaysa well. After missing her husband, tired by the night, her husband asks again, "Where Abu Umair?.
"Suamiku, if someone lends something to us, if he has his back, wajibkah we return them back?.
"must must"
"so with our son. God has lend Abu Umair to us and he was taking it back ".
Understood to be the words of his wife, Abu Talhah sad yet sincere with his departure. Following Abu Talhah, meet with the Prophet and tells about it. The Prophet was impressed with perseverance Umm Sulaym and pray they have many offspring. Finally they have 10 children respectively is the famous scholars.
Here's a few stories that might could be eferensi and provide benefits to you all, may the beneficial Yes dude. Salam last Honorable us all.
Source: Annisa el_Qurrota ' and some resources
Hadith of Jabir bin Abdullah a. a: the Prophet said, I presented to the heaven, I saw the wife of Abu Talhah. Then I heard the impact goes, it appears he is Bilal.
(HR Muslim: 4495)
Rumaysa Bint Milhan is a woman Muslim character is excellent, have high intellectual as well as an independent and berprinsip. At the same time, he is also a devout and pious wife and mother who successfully educated become true Islamist. She is the mother of Prophet's Companion, Anas bin Malik. Here are some summary of tales about heroes this is located at:
Story 1: an obedient slave
He converted to Islam after the first Treaty of Aqabah. When he converted to Islam, her husband, Malik bin Nadhr there at home. After returning from travelling, her husband did not love the teachings of the new anutinya. Her husband even berated him as teaching them, Anas b. Malik (who eventually became the narrator of hadith) his new religion. But integrity Rumaysa ' against Islam does not change his belief, until finally her husband dies during travel and die as a non-Muslim.
Story 2: a woman who has the best mahar
Interval not long after the death of her husband, Rumaysa ' dipinang by Zayd ibn Sahl, known as Abu Talhah. Abu Talhah who was then not yet converted to Islam, so sure that Rumaysa ' will not reject it because Abu Talhah is a rich and handsome man. Abu Talhah came to his home and expressed intention to applying Rumaysa '.
"I would not have married with you as long as you do not acknowledge that God is your Lord and Muhammad is his Messenger".
"What prevents you from married to ku Rumaysa '? Gold and silver? I can provide whatever you want ".
"I swear to thy Abu Talhah, I swear for the sake of my Lord and his Messenger, if you accept Islam as your faith, I don't need gold and silver. Sufficient is Islammu as mahar ku ".
"Do you not know Abu Talhah that God you worship besides Allah is made of clay? Do you not feel diperbodoh2kan? If you are willing to let go of senseless acts like this, and converted to Islam, I'll marry with you, without any gold and silver ".
Abu Talhah returned back and contemplate what is being said Rumaysa '. Finally Abu Talhah converted to Islam and married Rumaysa '. Abu Talhah has also become one of the strong Muslim friend who fight as well as the Messenger.
Story 3: a wise wife
The result of their marriage was blessed with children named Abu Umair. during Abu Talhah travel far, Abu Umair has died. Rumaysa ' has been managing his body together with the villagers. Rumaysa ' told to the people that do the descriptions it was told to her husband, except from himself. After Abu Talhah returned, in a State of tired, Rumaysa ' treat her well, serves food and treats her husband packed. Abu Talhah ask Rumaysa ',
"Why I don't see Abu Umair?".
"Our son is in peace now".
After eating, ' treat her husband Rumaysa well. After missing her husband, tired by the night, her husband asks again, "Where Abu Umair?.
"Suamiku, if someone lends something to us, if he has his back, wajibkah we return them back?.
"must must"
"so with our son. God has lend Abu Umair to us and he was taking it back ".
Understood to be the words of his wife, Abu Talhah sad yet sincere with his departure. Following Abu Talhah, meet with the Prophet and tells about it. The Prophet was impressed with perseverance Umm Sulaym and pray they have many offspring. Finally they have 10 children respectively is the famous scholars.
Here's a few stories that might could be eferensi and provide benefits to you all, may the beneficial Yes dude. Salam last Honorable us all.
Source: Annisa el_Qurrota ' and some resources
Rumaysa Bint Milhan