PAS is a parti for Islam into the practice and to the community in Malaysia. Make Islam as a meaningful struggle makes the patio Al-Quran and Sunnah as the primary reference in designing itineraries and determine actions that would like to take. Scholars also became the main struggle teraju PAS because they are more nearly to the Qur'an and As-Sunnah, and it is they who should lead an Islamic movement.
Islam is my guide, Islam also is the objective and goals of the struggle of PAS. as mentioned by Saidina Omar r. A; "We were glorified by God with Islam. If we look for the glory of Islam, God will disgrace us. "
Islam does not require additional terrace because of the perfection of existing content on Islam. Dibimbangi, tokok add created also, taken from the Officer, who did not affect hala go Islamic struggle itself. The word Allah Taala in the Quran:
"On this day I (God) have to fine tune your religion (Deen = way of life), and I quite right to you nikmat-nikmatKu, and I became Islamic Religion redha (Deen = living) for you." (letter Al-Maidah, 5:3).
Making Islam the terrace also carries the meaning of the main objective of the struggle is to seek means to Allah. Struggled not because Office and position, instead struggling so willing to sacrifice treasure and lives solely to seek God and exalt Michael means to Allah the most high. Islamic mission is charitable as God, he was the more viable as a place of reference and become the breaker in every action of his servants.
In the past, Malay land ever made and all other Islamic laws contained in it as the main source of reference and Constitution. However, the invasion and occupation by the Western imperialists have bothered-plaintiff position of Islam until today, people have forgotten the origins of Malaysia itself also a history that ever dilakarkan by scholars. The imperialist West not only brought a mission to colonize the land, even those carrying the doctrines and ideologies that separates society, especially Government in Malay than Islam. The concept of democracy is also being introduced between the doctrine of the Pharaohs they apply in the practice of the Government of the Kingdom of Malaysia. Even so, fitting using existing space to continue to ensure the Islamic agenda can be championed in a democracy. In fact, together with the people's Order ensure justice and democracy can be enforced back in Malaysia. This is because, while it is not beyond the limits of democracy, are accepted and may be a good platform to fight for Islam. As a result, the Kingdom's State of Kelantan continue to secure and developed and led by Islam became the main Royal terrace. Democracy also refers to the power of the people and the inclusion of many in creating something decisions. The concept of the majority is the basis of democracy. In the context of the country's democracy, the party gets a lot more lots will be elected the parti Governments. All of the accompanying political choice in Malaysia, accept this fact. Though the process of democracy in Malaysia is not so ensure all people, especially those of a political party, we need agreed that this democratic process is the best process to ensure political and social harmony in Malaysia. Likewise, Islam should not be same meaning with the democratic process. The truth of Islam does not depend on hectic supporter. Moreover law-law in Islam, is not a subject that can be considered through the voice of the majority. However, the situation in the country of democracy require the support of many to ensure successful Islam enforced. Then become the responsibility of all Muslims in Malaysia regardless of Umno parti national lines, moreover from the parti PAS to fight for Islam through full-in full democracy.
Islam is the religion of God. He was ordained by the prophets and Apostles, through various processes. However, he is not the one which can be considered to be accepted or rejected, instead becoming the responsibility of every individual muslem to execute the Islam in the life.
PAS as a political party to take part in choice, as a sign of acceptance and approval that Malaysia a country democratic. PAS also believe that through the full path of this democracy, PAS is able to interpret reached its peak position of official Islam as a religion of the State. Although agreed to accompany the process of democracy, but PAS needs to remain as parti Islam a pure. Join themselves in the fight of Islam alone is enough beautiful and perfect without any inconvenient with any form of ideology and thoughts.
PAS as a political party never make Islam as a political merchandise materials to get power, what else makes Islam the prey of democracy so that it implies may be split as you wish. In contrast, the Islamic PAS be committed as a terrace of this struggle and make Malaysia a country that mandatory is aligned with the mission. Even Allah Ta'ala appoint the entire human race, although one was no exception, as the Caliph was the representative Government in the face of the Earth. Meaningful, humanity taking responsibility for better and keep this world full of harmony and justice.
pretty up here first well my best friend hope this article could be a reference to find the truth that haq for you, happy greetings and passion has always been for the fun days.
Source: Muhammad Ismi Mat Taib
Islam is my guide, Islam also is the objective and goals of the struggle of PAS. as mentioned by Saidina Omar r. A; "We were glorified by God with Islam. If we look for the glory of Islam, God will disgrace us. "
Islam does not require additional terrace because of the perfection of existing content on Islam. Dibimbangi, tokok add created also, taken from the Officer, who did not affect hala go Islamic struggle itself. The word Allah Taala in the Quran:
"On this day I (God) have to fine tune your religion (Deen = way of life), and I quite right to you nikmat-nikmatKu, and I became Islamic Religion redha (Deen = living) for you." (letter Al-Maidah, 5:3).
Making Islam the terrace also carries the meaning of the main objective of the struggle is to seek means to Allah. Struggled not because Office and position, instead struggling so willing to sacrifice treasure and lives solely to seek God and exalt Michael means to Allah the most high. Islamic mission is charitable as God, he was the more viable as a place of reference and become the breaker in every action of his servants.
In the past, Malay land ever made and all other Islamic laws contained in it as the main source of reference and Constitution. However, the invasion and occupation by the Western imperialists have bothered-plaintiff position of Islam until today, people have forgotten the origins of Malaysia itself also a history that ever dilakarkan by scholars. The imperialist West not only brought a mission to colonize the land, even those carrying the doctrines and ideologies that separates society, especially Government in Malay than Islam. The concept of democracy is also being introduced between the doctrine of the Pharaohs they apply in the practice of the Government of the Kingdom of Malaysia. Even so, fitting using existing space to continue to ensure the Islamic agenda can be championed in a democracy. In fact, together with the people's Order ensure justice and democracy can be enforced back in Malaysia. This is because, while it is not beyond the limits of democracy, are accepted and may be a good platform to fight for Islam. As a result, the Kingdom's State of Kelantan continue to secure and developed and led by Islam became the main Royal terrace. Democracy also refers to the power of the people and the inclusion of many in creating something decisions. The concept of the majority is the basis of democracy. In the context of the country's democracy, the party gets a lot more lots will be elected the parti Governments. All of the accompanying political choice in Malaysia, accept this fact. Though the process of democracy in Malaysia is not so ensure all people, especially those of a political party, we need agreed that this democratic process is the best process to ensure political and social harmony in Malaysia. Likewise, Islam should not be same meaning with the democratic process. The truth of Islam does not depend on hectic supporter. Moreover law-law in Islam, is not a subject that can be considered through the voice of the majority. However, the situation in the country of democracy require the support of many to ensure successful Islam enforced. Then become the responsibility of all Muslims in Malaysia regardless of Umno parti national lines, moreover from the parti PAS to fight for Islam through full-in full democracy.
Islam is the religion of God. He was ordained by the prophets and Apostles, through various processes. However, he is not the one which can be considered to be accepted or rejected, instead becoming the responsibility of every individual muslem to execute the Islam in the life.
PAS as a political party to take part in choice, as a sign of acceptance and approval that Malaysia a country democratic. PAS also believe that through the full path of this democracy, PAS is able to interpret reached its peak position of official Islam as a religion of the State. Although agreed to accompany the process of democracy, but PAS needs to remain as parti Islam a pure. Join themselves in the fight of Islam alone is enough beautiful and perfect without any inconvenient with any form of ideology and thoughts.
PAS as a political party never make Islam as a political merchandise materials to get power, what else makes Islam the prey of democracy so that it implies may be split as you wish. In contrast, the Islamic PAS be committed as a terrace of this struggle and make Malaysia a country that mandatory is aligned with the mission. Even Allah Ta'ala appoint the entire human race, although one was no exception, as the Caliph was the representative Government in the face of the Earth. Meaningful, humanity taking responsibility for better and keep this world full of harmony and justice.
pretty up here first well my best friend hope this article could be a reference to find the truth that haq for you, happy greetings and passion has always been for the fun days.
Source: Muhammad Ismi Mat Taib
Islam Is My Guide