Rabu, 06 Desember 2017

Introspection Robbun Ghofur

Friend, in living our lives, we as ordinary human beings towards the human bener-bener Caliph certainly cannot escape from problems. There will be a time we are above enjoying the beauty of life, but at one time we would be at the lower level, the lowest point in our lives.

Introspection Robbun Ghofur

This is a phase of life that we do have to pass through. We will never know how it feels to be happy if we never felt what it was like being at the lowest point in life. Sometimes, we are indeed confronted to problems that we never imagined before. The changes phases of life sometimes requires us to respond wisely. Things we can do to deal with it all is to reflect on the ways of life, or in other words we must Introspection yourself. With Introspection, we can observe more deeply what is happening to ourselves. In the process Introspection, definitely there will be a lot of things that we question ourselves. Introspection will make us better able to recognize what is really happening to us. Through Introspection, we reflect on what we have experienced so far. We will know, what things were able to push us to achieve life goals and what are the things that can make us fail to achieve it. So right?.

Introspection self will make it easier for us to reach our life goals. Lower your heart to be able to judge for yourself. Introspection will not be effective if you still feel most alone. Introspection is not a judge process yourself or blame yourself for what happened in your life. The process of Introspection will take you to a better life phase again.
Introspection is very important to do to avoid the same mistakes in life. Introspection can minimize the occurrence of errors. Introspection can be a valuable experience in life. Because experience is the best teacher for our learn to improve life. Let's be equally Introspection yourself, Pal. Hopefully with the always Introspection themselves, we can equally be wiser in facing any challenge life we go through. Make the moment Introspection yourself as the turning point You to become a better private again.
so a little bit of searching information from us, always learn to cultivate something information or whatever we can from life. with a capital of minds and hearts then we will find true happiness or anything we're looking for a better life, life is absolutely useless when not to use the Nice and the good things, the yuuuk learn to better and also beneficial. Greetings happy my best friend of all.

Source: annisObik el_Qurrota ' and various sources

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